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23 August, 2011

Is It Not Anna Effect ?

Sometimes I wonder do we really live in a welfare democratic State. Ask a victim of Gujarat communal riot , ask farmers families whose head committed suicide because of debts, ask the dalit family of Bihar whose family members committed suicide yesterday and ask  all the poor and exploited section of this country, do you believe in parliament and the elected representatives of India ; answer of this question will not surprise you. These people believe and respect their immediate exploiter more than the parliament and elected represented of our country. Appears bizarre but this is the reality of rural India.

This is not the question whether Anna will change everything in a jiffy or not. Solace is that, at least one person is among us who is registering a protest in his own way which is in sync of constitution. His fight for corruption is good for one and all.  He is opening up a way for common man to assert their right and put pressure on elected representative, is it not good?  With various demand people are looking forward to writing for their rights to their elected representatives, is it not Anna effect?

Government always works to keep power intact. Power is the sole motive of the government. Power has very big nexus with corruption so expecting that powerful people will enact a law against themselves is like living in a fool’s paradise. We will have to assert our right and put pressure on our elected representative with constitutional method to make them accountable to the poor. And Anna is doing exactly the same thing. 

Ramanuj Dubey

20 August, 2011


A :What will you get if you support Anna?

B: Do not know? Somebody says he is fighting against corruption, he is against corrupt people.

A: Bullshit. He is against DEMOCRACY. A bad fellow, seventh grade pass, ex military driver, fool who does not understand parliament, who does not understand process of how to make law. He has least respect for elected representatives. Moreover he is not qualified enough to talk about serious thing like bill.

B: I am also not very educated like you sahib but is it really essential to be an educated to talk about corruption in democracy? Me type illiterate cannot even talk and protest against corrupt people? Is it really sheer arrogance on my part to say to make some effective law so that corruption be curbed in our life?  And Why should I respect my elected representative  who do not respect me, my sentiment, my right to live with dignity which includes corruption free life too. See sahib, even though we are illiterate but we know our benefits, that much native wisdom I have got sahib.

A: This is preposterous, absurd…..

B :Why sir, because I am not like you, because…

A: See, this is not the case, why do not you understand he is creating anarchy in well establishment democracy?

A : Ha ha ha ha,..

B: Are you mad? Why are you laughing?

A :What is well established democracy sahib ? Here  now and then netas are doing scam with the help of bureaucrats, is this well established democracy? Every government office in our country is the temple of corruption, is it well established democracy? Our elected leader have unlimited power, power to increase own salary, power to increase own other benefits, power to plunder our country, is it well established democracy? If this is well established democracy we do not need this democracy, Anarchy is better than this. Anarchy for real democracy.

B :  And you feel Anna has answer of everything? You will get everything by supporting anna?

A: Do not know sahib. You are a highly educated person, an officer, why this corrupt system will bother you, your brother is a writer, who knows he may be next official biographer of Big leader of our democracy, why he will oppose corruption sahib, your younger brother is a noted cast leader why he will think of corruption, his livelihood is already intact with caste politics. You all are big people sahib with happily nurtured faced, why our problem will bother you.
I know sahib, how corruption is affecting our life. Whether it is caste certificate, nregs card, PDS card or in PDS shop, everywhere we suffer sahib and see who harass us? They are also like you who talk about system, democracy and….

B : So Anna is your panacea, your answer…

A : Do not know sahib. But I see he is the only potent person in this impotent and dysfunction democracy. He is our hope, our voice, our ….
B : ok...ok... so…………….. (To be continued…………)

Ramanuj Dubey.