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29 September, 2011

NONSENSE TALK III..............

Caste system is declining, it is just confined to old aged illiterate people, it has nothing to do with religion, it is just a social problem, most of the people are against the caste system in the society, this system is going to be wiped out within ten years, say in 2020, there will be no or negligible caste related discrimination in the society.   Those who talk about the caste system are perpetuating it, inciting and provocating it, this issue should not be discussed in social sphere. This system can be eradicated through education and education can be an effective tool in improving the social harmony. These are the views of some of my friends about caste and caste related problem.

These were the moot points of an informal discussion among the friends about ‘caste and religion’ subject held at today afternoon. It started with lighter note with teaching of various religions and later on it struck with the Hindu religion and its inhuman face.  Religion is always a sentimental issue and accusing religion for inequality in the society did not go down well with some of my friends. On this issue every friend was unanimous that there is no inequality enshrined in Hindu religion but with the time so many anomalies crept in the religion which perpetuated inequality. As per their opinion caste and its related discrimination is not a religious issue but a social issue. I differ on this point.

Unlike other religions, Hindu has many religious books. Hindus have Vedas, purans, upnishad, Ramayana, mahabharta,  gita, Manu smriti and many more. There are so many ways of worshipping in Hindu dharma and this religion has enough liberty to choose the different ways to reach the Supreme Being. There are so many Sanskrit slokas and suktas to prove that Hindu religion is the religion of humanity , maybe it is true in scriptures but unfortunately in practice this is far away from the truth. The practioner of Hindu religion across the country follow caste system. From childhood I have been witnessing how a caste Hindu practices this religion and does caste based discrimination with impunity.  I am not a well read person, I have not gone though any Hindu scriptures expect Ramayana, and my understanding of religion is by seeing the practical aspect of it. In practice, castes Hindus follow caste system in every sphere of life.  Even though it has reduced in urban area or if it is present it is less visible but rural area is still a caste ridden society, from marriage to election on every sphere of life caste plays a major role. In India around eighty percent population stay in rural India, so directly or indirectly a majority of people follow this obnoxious system like their ancestors. Saying this that caste system is declining is a mirage in rural India, thanks to some social activist , panchayat raj system and some government programme, a ray of hope is in sight but rapid change in the society is a distance dream. Progress is there but with snail pace, to accelerate it society needs a special strategy, a special attention.

A nagging question is that caste system is social problem or religious problem?  My friends had arguments that it is purely a social problem; religion has nothing to do with it.  I strongly object this stand. If you will see in India, we have different social custom and cultural in different parts of India. The society of Bihar is quite different from the society of Kerala. But there is astonishing similarity in observing caste system and its related discrimination. Then what is the source of the knowledge/ inspiration to observe these social mal practices? Answer is in some religious scriptures. Majority of the Hindus have not gone through religious scriptures, but they follow the traditional teachings of practioner but those who have read the book, can not deny that Hindu religion is not based on inequality. Every religion has got some lacuna, some constraints and Hindu religion is no exception. This caste system has religious sanction in the society that is the reason it has flourished and continues to hold a firm grip in hindus’life. This social problem is strong in nature because of religious sanctity so in order to make just society we need an urgent social reform which cannot be achieved without religious reform. Either reform in religion or disown it completely in the life.  It is true that Education can really play a great role in this matter and spread of education among exploited class will help them to improve their life. But education alone is still unable to fight the general sentiment and traditional  mentality of caste Hindus.  We seriously need any education plus model to combat it.

There is no denying fact that caste system is a cancer, a gangrene for Hindu religion, humanism as well as Indian democracy. A disease which has potential to destroy all the organs, a menace which can engulf peace and harmony in the society. Such disease should not be kept hidden from the others, because hiding the disease is not the cure of it. Disease must be discussed,  people must be informed about ill effects and  they must be told how to combat it in the society. Discussion, debate and dialogue are an effective tool to tackle this problem, a right way to sensitize the people. In fact in national building it is necessary to have a discussion forum on very block level to tackle this century old problem of our country.

As my friends think, I too want to see this “caste” word obsolete in the society, until unless a strong, vibrant movement is not started to combat it, eradication of this ill system does not seem possible in near future.

Ramanuj Dubey

26 September, 2011

Nonsense Talk II

One of the dangerous things in our life is to discuss History. No subject is as controversial as history.  And History has various tags, various explanations and various interpretations.  Many writers, many versions!

 I still remember in one history class, two students Anurag paswan and Summon bose were talking about the birth day celebrations of famous personalities of our country.  Their discussion is given below:-

Anurag paswan : This year we are going to celebrate Ambedkar sahab’s birthday in our colony.  Will you come and contribute summon……

Summon Bose:  see, I do not have any issue, but why should I celebrate his birthday? What has he done to us? , I have read history!

Anurag Paswan :  He had written constitution , he worked for the….

Summon Bose :  yes, he has done every thing for you, everything….. ……… he had not even participated in freedom struggle, everything is there in history. Moreover, you were also absent in subhash Chandra bose jayanti ---

Anurag Paswan :  What you think, you have only studied history, I too know history and the life of your “bose”.  And  what your bose had done for us ! he formed “forward block “ for upper caste people, forward class, not “backward block or depressed block” for backward class or depressed class.

Summon  bose : Ok, fine! You celebrate the birthday of your own beloved and let me celebrate my own... our history is like that.

That was the interpretation of history from the eyes of the two students. Most of us are like these students. We have very limited knowledge of history with narrow interpretations.

Irony is that we have abundant history in our life. We have Awarn history, sawarnHistory, left history, right history, native history, foreign history, and many more and each history is not without prejudices and provocations.

One bad trend which has come in  vogue that history is not written by historian now a day! Every tom, dick, harry has its own interpratation of history to suit their half baked intelligence and their ill gotten philosophy. These, so called self proclaimed historians, have lee way to write or speak anything without giving convincing logic or any thorough research. These writers have potential to corrupt the gullible and innocent readers who read these books with the blocked mind. 

In pluralist society like India, it is imperative for everyone to understand history with impartial lenses; this will really be a forward step to understand our present . History must not be treated as fiction or B grade sensation Bollyhood story instead it must be taken seriously by writers as well as readers.


Ramanuj Dubey

23 September, 2011

The Knack of Survival.....


One of my friends just informed me that he has become more mature.

“How”? - I quipped?

Now before posting any message on Face Book, I think twice. Even I do censorship before publishing it.

It was quite amusing for me.  Something interesting.
“But why you do that thing?”- A natural curiosity from my side.

You know, keeping the eyes round he started; “now a day government is spying on each Face Book account. Not only government but private players are also active. You know what happened in Bihar, two employees had to lose job because they criticized government. See, why write, speak or like anything which may bring you in trouble.

‘Ya, I see your point.’-

He continued “not only this I even started liking all the programmes of central and state government on face book.  If any unscrupulous friend tag me in any unwanted anti establishment material, I either immediately delete that matter or untagged it.

Good- I encouraged him to continue.

He took a pause for some  seconds then he started ‘ You know dear, even if during Anna Andolan I kept myself off from the corruption issue , who invites troubles by sympathizing  with Anna ‘

Ya .. I responded,

“You know during that period even I supported corruption vehemently. In the support of corruption I did share some links also, who knows it may give me benefit”. He finished by this line.

“So, do you really feel, corruption is good for our society?” – I inquired.

Ya,   he quoted a line from one article: “corruption is the knowledge of survival, the fundamental rules of coping and survival.  Corruption is the link between government and common people.”

“If corruption is right so is dowry system and haftawasooli”, I rebutted.

“How”? -he was surprised.

“See, Haftawasooli is also a small amount what you pay to hooligan to buy peace and protection. Dowry also makes a link between the family of bride and bridegroom”. And……

He interrupted me with his teary eyes, “Dear, you know na, this is my fourth job, all the time…
(I remembered some eight or ten years back he had left the first job accusing the system.) All the time I had to leave the job. Two public sectors, one private sector. You know I do not have the knack of survival. Every time whenever I felt I was compromising myself I left the job, left the organisation. But when I ask myself did I do right thing, dear, when I introspect I feel, I feel…

I kept my hand on his shoulder to soothe him, he carried on “I feel myself nothing but a fool. You know dear, it is bitter truth that everywhere, you will have to work in grey area. If you are upright and honest your immediate boss might not, if your immediate boss is right, organisation’s supreme boss might not, if your supreme boss is right, political boss might not.  This system is made like that you are doomed to work in grey area. That what I learnt from the ten years experience working in different organisations,  now I am trying to survive , just want to survive, tell me friend “Am I wrong ?”

I had no direct answer of his question. I could only say that “You have really become  mature my friend “.

 Ramanuj Dubey