Around two o’clock,
Abhishek cartoonist sir shared his cartoon about Porn on Facebook. After
reading the cartoon, I was shocked and surprised. How can a well known
cartoonist, having good understanding of our society and democracy, has little
regards for a celebrated topic like porn? Porn cannot be filthy in any respect
for our society and country. On these impulses,
I immediately commented on the post. The comment was: I do not think reading or watching porn is an
unhealthy habit. It is as normal, healthy and entertaining as reading cartoon.
After posting, I have not even read completely the comment; I received a phone
call from one of my friends. He was very furious. Furious, because cartoon was
compared with porn. I was subdued as he
was talking very loudly and his voice was echoing in my room. Lest my landlord
get up in the wee hours, I requested him to come online. He added all the
online friends in our chat for this so called controversial topic “Porn”.
Porn cannot be dirty. Those who say it obscene do not understand it at all –
one of my friends who is middle level HR Manager in a firm wrote. He further
added that “in fact porn makes you ‘Purn’ i.e. complete. When you are alone,
forlorn, frustrated, alienated without any girlfriend or spurned by the
girlfriend who comes in your rescue? It is porn that makes you complete in
college campus. This completeness does not stop at college level but it goes
beyond and helps you throughout your life. One study says that senior level
married manager read more porn than their junior young unmarried subordinates.”
One young friend, who recently passed out engineering from a prestigious college,
brought more light on this subject. He wrote “Sir, in our college whole intake
used to read ‘pure porn material’- ‘Deshi’ as well as ‘Videshi’ without any
discrimination. Of course girls were bit shy to download the material from college
internet so generally they used to rely on us (we boys) for it. In our college, PA of Principal had requested
us to handover all the downloaded porn material to him so that it could pass on
next batch. In his opinion, it would save a fortune (in terms of internet charge)
to the college.”
One of my friends, son of a retired Major, currently preparing for UPSC
examination expressed his views. He wrote “This is not the story of only one college.
In each and every college hostel, lodge, defense billet/ barrack, officers’
mess, Porn material is ubiquitous. In
democracy majority prevails. Porn is the choice of majority. In our country
like India, where majority of population is below thirty-five, porn material
must be distributed free by the state.”
One of my friends, who recently joined a famous national party and regularly
upload his neatly dressed photo on FB, contributed in the chat. He said “ Bhaiya,
porn has entered in our parliament and state assembly too. Our young and old
MPs and MLAs want to watch porn in recess.”
“But it is wrong. Those who were caught watching porn in assembly and
parliament, they were charged and given punishment”- My friend who phoned me
and initiated this debate, wrote.
“Oh! Watching and reading porn material in privacy is not a crime. This is a
supreme court verdict”– it was UPSC aspirant.
Yes! - one of my friend who recently joined ministry and in the good book of a powerful and dynamic
minister, wrote - “ In fact like napping
cubicles of Japan parliament, there should be porn cubicles in our country. This
japan model needs to be replicated in our country with some necessary
modification. You know, I could have given this suggestion to minister sahib,
but the oppositions and some nuisance monger will unnecessary make an issue in
coming election. That’s why I am silent.” He completed with this.
Porn topic got good attention and well deserved discussion. I was truly
enlightened by the discussion and it really reinforced my belief.
After the discussion I can firmly say that -
Yes! Porn makes our country ‘Purn’ i.e. complete, full, nothing else!