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18 July, 2018

Beggar Stories, Diary notes VII - Analysis of Interactions

   I - Do you cook your food?

I asked this question to eighty beggars.  . Out of eighty beggars ,  81%  beggars ( sixty five beggars ) said that they get food from people or eat outside hotel, street shops etc, whereas 19% ( fifteen beggars ) said that they have cooking utensils and they cook food regularly .

II – Do you eat sufficient food everyday?

Out of eighty beggars, 89% beggar (seventy-one beggars) responded that they eat three times meal everyday. They have never slept without food any day. 5% (four beggars) told that they do not eat sufficient food regularly. 6% (five beggars) told that they go hungry if weather is bad for few days or they are sick for long time and unable to go for begging.

III- Which season do you find difficult?

Out of 45 beggars, 80% (thirty-six beggars) responded that rainy season is the most difficult season for them. Winter is difficult season for 16 % (7 beggars) beggars. 4% (Two beggars) beggar find summer season difficult for them.

IV – Do shopkeepers give you any items on credit?

The above-mentioned question I asked to forty-two beggars whose earning was 5000-6000 rupees or above per month. 79% (Thirty-three beggars) said that shopkeepers never give anything on credit whereas 21% (nine beggars) told that sometimes they give articles on credit.

V- How do shopkeepers treat you when you go there as customer?

They said that generally they go to small grocery shop, street shops, small roadside hotels etc. Out of forty-two beggars, 14% (six beggars) told that they are treated with respect. For them respect by shopkeeper means shopkeeper pays attention, talk politely and observe the turn of customers while giving items etc. 67% (twenty-eight beggars ) responded that shopkeeper shows no respect to them as customer. 10% respondents (four beggars) told that shopkeepers are indifferent to them, and other 10% respondent said that they have experienced rude and violent behavior from the shopkeeper.

VI – Have you ever visited mall/ big shopping complex?

This question I asked to twenty-two beggars who were begging in front of / nearby / around mall or big shopping complex.  91% (twenty beggars) responded that they never visited mall /shopping complex. Security guards do not allow them to enter the mall. 9% (two beggars) told that they visited the mall two times for cleaning purpose when portion of mall was being constructed.

VI- How do you commute from one place to another place?

Out of 47 beggars, two had tricycle otherwise 96%beggar (forty-five beggars) travel one place to other place in the city in public transport or private sharing auto. They are treated well if they are not drunk and pay the bus/auto fare. If they do not pay bus/auto fare or drunk, in that case bus conductor speak foul language.

VIII- Do you have mobile?

Out of 103 beggars, 11 % (eleven beggars) had mobile phone.

IX- Do you listen to radio/TV or read newspaper?

Out of 48 beggars, 4 % (two beggars) read newspaper at tea stall. 46% (twenty-two beggars) watch TV occasionally in street hotel /advertisement display screen on bus/railway station. Rest 50% do not read newspaper or listen/watch radio, television.

X – Do you trust other beggar?

This question was asked to 48 beggars, 17% (eight beggars) said that they trust other beggars. 83% (forty beggars) revealed that they do not trust other beggars on money matter. 67% (thirty-two beggars) shared experience when their money was stolen by fellow beggars.

XI- What do you mean by government?

During interaction, I asked this question to thirty-six beggars. 53% (nineteen beggars) feel that police are government. 19% (seven beggars) feel that those who look after rail, bus, station, road construction, law and order, they are government. Rest 28% (ten beggars) think that leaders / elected representatives who win election, they are government.

XII- When do you feel happy?

Out of 42 beggars, 69% (twenty-nine beggars) said that they feel happy when they are treated well. 21% (nine beggars) feel happy when they help others or give some gifts to their family. 10% (four beggars) feel happy when they get good food like chicken briyani, spicy cooked vegetable etc in alms.

XIII- Do you believe in God?

During interaction, I asked this question directly or indirectly to eighty-two beggars. Around 99% (eighty-one beggars) believed in God. One beggar, who was in early twenty he said that he does not believe in anyone including God.

XIV – Do you think God has done justice to your life?

I was apprehensive to ask this question. I asked this question only to those who were trying to show enthusiastically that they believe in God and without mercy of God nothing could happen on this earth. Out of thirty-two beggar, 44% (Fourteen beggars) did not respond to this question. 34% (eleven beggars) said that they are not happy with their life but continuing it thinking it, God’s will. 22% (Seven beggars) feel that God did injustice to their life but they are hopeful that something good will happen to them in this life/after life.

XVI – What is best memory of your life?

Out of thirty-six beggar, 71% (twenty-four beggars) said that their childhood memories are the best memories .23% (eight beggars) feel that time spent with wife and family is their best memories.  6% (two beggars) feel that they have best memories of their work and employer.

XVII- Who do you miss the most?

Out of 36 beggars, around 47 % (seventeen beggars) miss their mother most. 17% (six beggars) remember their wife fondly. 11 % (four beggars) feel that their father loved them most. Another 11% (four beggars) remember their children. Eight % (three beggars) beggars miss their relatives and lover. 6% (two beggars) remember their employer the most.

XVIII- What is the purpose of your life?

This question was asked to sixty-four beggars directly or indirectly.  Around 50 % (thirty-three beggars) responded that they do not have any purpose of life. 14% (Nine beggars) feel that they do not have any life. 18% (twelve beggars) feel that their sufferings might be the result of sin of past life. They are leading the life to cleansing the debt of past sin. Rest 18% (twelve beggars) would like to look after family well and want to see their children educated so that they can lead a respectable life.

~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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