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26 September, 2012

Cholera and My Village ---

One hamlet of my village is suffering from cholera. Three days back one villager died of cholera. Yesterday my mother informed me about that. She was very disturbed because the patient who died was the son in law of my house maid. He was living in my village with his mother in law. One week back he had gone to nearby village to do labor work; he had food and water in the field. When he returned from the work, his stomach was upset. His condition remained the same for next day and third day, when condition deteriorated, he took some medicines prescribed by a quack. Fourth day his condition deteriorated further, he was brought to government referral hospital. But it was too late. His life could not be saved. Still many people are suffering in that hamlet.

My village has seven hamlets, six hamlets are named after castes and one hamlet is named after the location. These hamlets are :- Kannaujiya tola, mishar tola, jha tola, yadav tola, chamar tola, jolha tola and basa toli. I have been observing from last ten years that every year my villagers from chamar toli and jolha toli , get infected with this disease. Sometimes this disease occurs in other hamlets too but it starts from either jolha toli or chamar toli. Reason is not very far to find. The people who reside in these hamlets are from schedule caste, most of them (almost 99%) are landless labour and their major livelihood is agricultural labour work. In rainy season, whole day they spend in others fields doing agricultural work. They eat in the field sitting on the earth and drink contaminated water which is used for irrigation. Many of them get infected either in the rainy season or just afterwards. Because of poor hygienic condition, it spreads very rapidly in that hamlet. Once one hamlet gets this disease others also follow. Every year two to three people die because of this disease, but no concrete measure has been taken so far by my villagers. Being a rural development practitioner, it hurts me.

This is not the story of my village alone. Every year , this disease affects 3-5 million people worldwide and in 2010, 1-1.3 lakhs people died because of it. According to World health organization “Cholera remains a global threat and is one of the key indicators of social development. While the disease no longer poses a threat to countries with minimum standard of hygiene, it remains a challenge to countries where access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation cannot be guaranteed. Almost every developing country faces cholera outbreak or the threat of cholera epidemic.”

This disease occurs due to poor hygiene, drinking of contaminated water and consumption of food contaminated by feces of infected person. This disease can be prevented if a society maintains hygienic environment. Awareness about the disease, its prevention and other information should be given to the villagers through community based organizations. Hope, situation will improve in coming years and there will be no casualty from this disease in my village and other places.

Ramanuj Dubey 

14 July, 2012

Crime against Women and Our Indian Police

We must have seen many times in Bollyhood movies where a helpless girl is caught by the rowdy mob, Hooligans try to grab the girl, molest the girl and then in the nick of time somebody ( Most of the time ,The Hero ) comes into the picture and rescue the modesty of the girl. We cheer, we clap and we blow the whistle and feel a positive character by supporting the hero for his bravery and rescuing act.

This cliché bollyhood reel scene was real in front of a bar on Guwahati-Shillong Road on the night of 10th July. A girl was molested by around twenty people in a busy area and no one was there to rescue. The girl was trying to fight but she was helpless before the jeering mob. Some were actively participating in molesting the girl; others were playing the part of spectators. Interesting part of this story was, media personnel were too present at the scene but instead of helping the girl, they were capturing the scene. No one came forward to save the modesty of girl, No one even tried to help the girl. Police were informed about the incident and after the information they took 30 minutes to reach at the crime spot. When Director General of Police, Assam asked about the delayed action, His comment was: police is not like an "ATM machine" which can be present at the crime scene the moment one inserts a card in the machine. Such insensitive and condemnable reaction from a senior police officer shows that how police forces take these incidents lightly. Media personnel can be considered lesser villain because at least they captured the incident and brought strong evidence against the culprits. But those who were spectators are as villain as molesters.

We have seen that, in recent past, crime against women increased substantially. According to Nation Crime Records Bureau‘s report, Crime in India – 2011, Chapter five, A total of 2, 28,650 incidents of crime against women were reported in the country during the year 2011 as compared to 2,13,585 incidences in the year 2010 recording an increase of 7.1% during the year 2011. These crimes have continuously increased during 2007 -2011 with 1,85,312 cases in the year 2007, 1,95,856 cases in the year 2008, 2,03,804 cases in the year 2009 and 2,13,585 cases in the year 2010 and 2,28,650 cases in the year 2011. West Bengal with 7.5% share of country’s population has accounted for nearly 12.7% of total crime against women by reporting 29,133 cases. Andhra Pradesh, accounting for nearly 7.0% of the country’s population, has accounted for 12.4% of total crimes against women in the country by reporting 28,246 cases in the year 2011. Incidents of Molestation in the country (42,968 cases in 2011) have increased by 5.8% over the previous year (40,613 cases). Madhya Pradesh has reported the highest incidence (6,665) amounting to 15.5% of total such incidences. Kerala has reported the highest crime rate (11.2) in molestation as compared to the National average of 3.6. The National average of rate of crime against women is 18.9 whereas in Assam, it is 38.9, which is quite high. The rate of crime against women means number of crime against women per one lakh population.

Our India police are completely inadequate, inept, inefficient and insensitive in dealing with crime against women. In many cases, it has been seen that when a victim goes to police station to complain, instead of getting help from the police, she is re-victimised by them. Indian police forces are male dominated where women police are only 2.9 %. (Total police force – 15, 76,697, Women police – 45,886). There are many police station where there are no women police force and male police who are posted there; they lack proper skill to address the problems of victim. Recently, a gender related case had caught the attention of the nation. This was the case of Pinky Pramanik, an athlete from West Bengal who was falsely implicated by her live-in partner. Without ascertaining the gender of Pinky Pramanik, male police came to arrest her and they behaved very rudely and vulgarly during her arrest. The picture of her arrest is given below; please see the hands of the police personal who are left to the athlete.

Need not to say, the above picture shows the inhumane and ill-mannered face of Indian police. Indian police will have to more humane and polite while dealing with crime against women. They will not only have to catch the culprits but also they will have to show empathy with the victims so that Victims can lead the life fear –free and with dignity. Police force will have to improve the gender ratio and they must be given specific training (behavioural reforms and attitudinal changes at individual and institutional basis) to deal with women related crime adroitly.

It has been seen that molestation is never considered as a serious crime. A woman faces molestation / eve teasing at every place, at school/college/ work place, bus/train/ public transport, club/ party and even in home. A girl, right from the beginning is taught to underplay the instances of eve teasing and molestation. Until unless the molestation does not become glaring, we the people try to ignore it. Sometimes, some people have wrong notion that women enjoy eve teasing and mild molestation. The shame and lack of vociferous protest due to fear or other reason encourages the spirits of molesters. It is imperative that women must protest the eve teasing and molestation at first instance. The model example of protest is Rupan Deol Bajaj, who was modestly molested (Patted at her posterior in intoxicated state) by K.P. S.Gill, who was a senior police officer then. She fought a case against him and finally won. Another famous molestation case was Ruchika Garhotra case, in that she was molested by then Inspector general of Police, Haryana, S.P.S.Rathore. She and her family were continuously harassed by the Rathore and police force. It was completely a case of power abuse which resulted in the suicide of Ruchika. Even though she did not live to see the justice but her father continued fighting against him in the court and finally got the delayed justice.

Above examples show that the only way to overcome the trauma of molestation is to fight against it. We must take a vow that we must adopt a zero tolerance against eve teasing, molestation and other crimes against women. We must fight against such evils from heart and soul for a better and gender discrimination free India.

References :-
1. Crime in India, 2011, Chapter 5, Crime against Women (
2. Indian Police: An Introductory and Statistical Overview (

3. Photos downloaded from Internet .

Ramanuj Dubey

21 June, 2012

Solo "Uski Maa"

Solo :- "Uski Maa "
Writer :- Pandey Bechan Sharma 'Ugra'
Direction & Acting :- Ramanuj Dubey

19 May, 2012


एक आवारा शब्द 
जो कहीं भी तैरता दिख सकता है 
इधर भी , उधर भी 
इनकी हंसी में भी 
उनके रुदन में भी 
हमारे मन में भी 
और तुम्हारे मन में भी 
हर तरफ ही 

अख़बार या सरकार की तरह होता है 
साजिश का हकीकत इतना सतही नहीं होता 
साजिश का भी एक साजिश होता है 
साजिश के अंदर भी एक साजिश 
जिसमे ताकत होती है 
अच्छे बुरे सब  को शामिल  करने का
ठीक उसी तरह 
जिस  तरह सरकार या अख़बार 
तैयार कर लेता है दलालों का एक  फ़ौज 

दूर से दीखता हुआ साजिश 
दरअसल एक समाज है 
हर एक का अपना अपना खटराग है 
लेकिन साजिश तो है 
जो बनता है , बिगड़ता है 
बिगाड़ता भी है 
और हर एक साजिश से बिगड़ता समाज 
ढूढँता रहता है मानव का उत्थान -पतन 
और फिर जुट जाता है 
एक नई साजिश में ---

रामानुज  दुबे 

03 March, 2012

NONSENSE TALK VIII..............

All is not well in our democracy. We are living in that age where talking about poor and their rights, talking about genuine problems, talking against feudal forces and government considered as blasphemous.  Every government and all political parties are claiming high that they are the only savior of the poor. If you do not believe it, just see the face book account of all of them. All the accounts are colored with development works, inclusive growth and striving for real democracy. But what these political parties and their political bosses are claiming on public sites, are they really concerned about these issues, I have doubts.

We have been listening right from the childhood that in democracy we the people are supreme. We are the integral part of democracy, we elect the government and we decide the fate of the country. Appears cool as cucumber! If we are really powerful, if we are really so important in the democratic process then why some of us are living a squalid, wretched, subdued and fearful life? Why almost one third population of our country is leading a life less than human? Why a large number of our fellow countrymen still do not feel a part of pristine and progressive democracy?

Now question arises, whether our country is on the path of development or deterioration? If our country is on the path of development, then whose development it has been doing? Every government boasts about a lot of development plans, programmes and schemes but at the end of the day what kind of achievement these development processes are bringing to the poor; this is the matter of speculation.

Ask any government about development and you will be bombarded by statistics. How much these numbers/ statistics are true, it is always a matter of debate. Recently I had a lengthy discussion on this subject with one of my friends. Being a petty officer in state government, my friend thought, it was his natural duty to defend the government. In fact, he was defending his miniscule sincere development work. My intention was not to upset him but at the same I did not want him to shy away from the realities. His discussion was full of numbers and statistics. Government gave this much thousands houses free under IAY scheme ,that much crores were given  as wages under NREGS, that much lakhs families getting subsidized ration under PDS and that much jobs are generated for the poor. He kept on eulogizing free education and health services in the state.  . When he exhausted with all details and data, then I asked him some questions:-
Ø  Do the poor have voice?
Ø  Do they believe in the system?
Ø  Are they real beneficiary of the government scheme?
Ø  What is the standard of the services provided by the state for the poor?
Ø  Does government ensure the dignified life to the poor?

All the government programmes on the paper appear quite attractive and path breaking. All poverty alleviation programmes talk about empowerment of poor, giving them a voice and sense of worth but why the same programmes fail to translate on the ground. How disturbing it looks when we read the news that a wage earners hand was chopped off because he was unable to pay 300 rupees to moneylender and when he goes to police station, Superintendent of police says it a concocted story. In such a feudalistic system where the victims are not heard properly then how people will believe in the system? How shocking it is, when a teenager poor girl is raped in the running train and when she complains, the head of the state blames to opposition to defame the government. How much faith that girl will have in the elected representative? How shameful it is when a large number of farmers and the poor commit suicide and the state try to put blame on victims rather than owing the responsibilities of murders.  When such incidents occur at that time all the statistics, all the numbers appear fraud, misleading and utter nonsense.

A very noxious trend is developing in our democracy, if you are a poor, government will dole out some life saving necessities but you are not expected to speak, you are not expected to weep, you are not expected to whine and you are not expected to complain. What you are expected to do is to be gentle, docile, meek and suffer the humility meted out by the system. As you are poor, you are expected to live like a poor. Do not question the authority, do not speak up, just shut up and accept the situation.

Kudos to our democracy! Kudos to our feudal system!

Ramanuj Dubey

24 February, 2012

Without God

Observing the frauds of followers
I changed my god
Oh god!
My new god is also not without flaws
Its painful but
Trying to learn to live
Without god.

Ramanuj Dubey

22 February, 2012

Haiku XVIII..............


Entirely flummoxed 
Virgin breeze murmur, whisper
Enticing autumn


Running without cloth
Embracing lively season
Meretricious winter


Smiling sun ignores
Trumpeting the importance
Of the wax statue

Ramanuj Dubey

14 February, 2012

A Letter to Dad----

Dear Dad,
Last year, this time, when the world was celebrating valentine day with fun and gusto, I along with some relatives and villagers, at the bank of pious Ganga river, was preparing to bid you forever good bye. This was one of the worst moments of my life; I was meeting with you after fourteen months just to see your mortal body! Dad, I never realized before that one day you would leave us, you would make us forlorn and leave this mortal world without meeting me. I wanted to talk with you, you and me and no one around us, I wanted to complain, I wanted to weep bitterly in your bosom, I wanted to hug you, I wanted to kiss you but I could not let out my pent-up emotions before everybody . Still I regret—that was the last time to confess my unlimited and endless love towards you, that was the last moment to heart out before you—dad, I lost the opportunity ! And I know, I ll regret this entire life.

Dad, I have been very poor in confessing love. I still do not know how to express love. Perhaps my bizarre taciturn behavior and my queer unusual outburst were the mute expression of deepest love towards you. I had a feeling that I loved grand pa more than mom and you but after losing you last year I realized that it was you dad, it was you, to whom I loved the most. I never felt so deeply about anyone, not even after the demise of grand pa, with whom I was so free and near. From last year not a single day I have slept without moist eyes, every night I remember my childhood, days spent with you, your story telling session and yours over religious routine life.

Dad, I always found a saint in you. You were a saint in the family set up. Open hearted, simple, imposing, kind hearted and a real gentle man. A man with limited needs. You never wore costly cloths, always had simple food and never believed in pomp and decorated life.  Your simple and selfless life always inspires me to lead a virtuous life.

Dad, I had a complaint against you, you never approved my theatre activities. I always wanted you to see my stage plays, street plays and other theatre activities.  I never got courage to invite you because I knew your detest for this form of art. But recently when mom told me that you never missed my any radio dramas and you had made a file in which you collected all the paper clippings related to my theatre activities, I could not resist crying. Whole night I wept. Why dad, why? Why didn’t you say one time to me that you really liked my work, you indeed felt my work was meaningful for the society.

Dad, I have so many things to share with you, I want to talk with you nonstop, for a long time but dad, emotion is overpowering me and tears are rolling down on my cheek. Now I am unable to ---------------

Love you Dad, love you more than salt!


Ramanuj Dubey

30 January, 2012

Gandhi ji and my Grandpa..-

Today is the sixty second death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It has become customary to remember him on 2nd October and 30th January. Rest of the year we throw garbage nearby his statue which are installed every nook and corner of our country and try to prove his ideas obsolete for the modern world. Is Gandhian thought relevant for modern word, do we need Gandhi for a better society these questions are cliché.

Gandhi practised two things in his life Truth and Nonviolence. Entire life he worked for the betterment of the society through this tools and he succeeded in it. He was very particular about the right means for achieving the goals. The general sentiment of the people about the Gandhian ideology is that his ideas are very good but impractical which are very hard to practise. But what I feel is that even though his ideology looks extremely idealist then also it’s very useful for our life. With strong will power and self righteous path one can follow the Gandhian philosophy to make this world better.

I always used to see the glimpse of Gandhi ji in my grandpa. He died on 28th October 2008. He was a lovely old man with ordinary traits .but there was something in him which always reminded me of Gandhi ji .As he had lived in the Gandhian era; Gandhian philosophy had influenced Him a lot. I never saw him practising Gandhian philosophy in toto in daily life but he partially followed it, especially passive resistance.

I was very near to him. He gave me unconditional love, love that I shall never be able to repay. He always used to kiss me on my forehead and made me listen the old stories of his life experiences. In fact at first I understood the intricacies of rural society from his eyes. His presence used to give me a positive vibes. I always miss his tender loving care and beatific smile. I miss u grandpa.......I miss u Gandhi............I miss both of u from the bottom end of my heart.

( This blog was written two years back. )
Ramanuj Dubey

23 January, 2012

NONSENSE TALK VII..............

Our village chaupal was agog over the news that somebody hurled shoes on Rahul Gandhi. This happened first time in   recent time when this highly excited news was brought to chaupal by Somra. Actually, somra had gone to market and when he was returning from there he saw a crowd before a TV shop. At that time, on the TV, munni badnam hui, song was coming and a good number of spectators were enjoying this song standing on the road. The shopkeeper was annoyed to see the crowd before his shop, so to disperse them he changed the channel, from music to news. Somra was also present in the crowd, when the channel was changed he waited there in the hope that shopkeeper might change channel again from news to music. But this did not happen. Yes, on news channel, he saw the news that somebody threw shoes on Rahul Gandhi.  That news was worthy enough to be known to chaupal, so without delay he left for the village. After coming to the village, he enquired about sukhia sukhvardhan and felt extremely happy that sukhia was unaware of the latest Rahul Gandhi episode. Straightway he went to chaupal and conveyed   this breaking news to everyone.

Sukhia Sukhwardhan was unable to digest the fact that somra brought this interesting news before the villages. He had still doubt in his mind. How this can happen, I have been listening news from morning at the interval of every hour on radio but I did not hear such story.  But nobody paid attention towards his doubts, as everybody knew that TV is faster than Radio!

Why he was attacked ? who was the attacker ? what was his motive ? What he wanted to gain from this act?  Chamka who had seen Rahul Gandhi in paper and admired his aristocrat look asked these question addressing Somra.

Somra was not ready to face the volley of questions from anyone. Actually he was ignorant of the answer of these questions. He saw the news and left for the village. Now he was regretting that why did not he stayed there for some times and listened complete news.
At the time of somra’s ordeal, Sajjan chacha came forward to rescue him. Turning his head towards chamka, he replied: see, those people who do such nasty things, must be hooligan. How can a respectable person do such mischievous things?

“No chacha, it is not so” satua , alone subscriber of a nation political weekly magazine in the village, entered into the discussion. He continued: no chacha, this is democracy, and in democracy, throwing shoes on the leaders are allowed.

But how? There was doubt in Sajjan chacha’s voice.

“Have not you seen the MPs, MLA’s in the house, how they throw paper, mike and other things on each other to get their work done.  They do so because by this means they can put pressure on government.  Earlier only parliamentarians used to do these acts to influence opposition but later on some journalists, some civil society members adopted the same methodology. As democracy of our country has become more mature, so, nowadays even common man also started throwing shoes on politician to register their protest”   concluded Satua. He was quite amazed to see his oratory skill. He spoke well, thought inside and gave a winning smile to Sukhia Sukhwardhan who was looking dull today.

Han, Han (yes, yes) this is democracy, this democracy, aur democracy me ye sab chalta hai (and in democracy, these things are permitted) everybody supported Satua including Sukhia sukhwardhan. As Mukhia ji was not present in the chaupal, Sukhia sukhwardhan was vociferous in criticizing the elected representatives. He was getting support from sajjan chacha and others.

Achha bhaiya, if we throw shoes on our MP sahib, will our village get road connected to town.” Khurphatia asked this question to Satua.

“Why not, if we throw shoes on him and he acknowledges this before the world then sure we will get road.”  Sukhia sukhwardhan answered.

“Why do not we throw shoes on him, he is coming to address a rally in the town this Sunday. If he acknowledges the accident, our village will get benefit” khurpathia offered a suggestion.

Now everybody started discussing on Khurpatia’s proposal. In fact, there were no good shoes available in the village. Sajawat  singh, a retired fauji, who is well known as major in the village has boots  but he refused to give to villagers for this noble cause.  This enraged the villagers and they decided to purchase the new shoes. Second hand or used shoes are also sold in the nearby market but villager had fear that if they threw old shoes and MP sahib did not acknowledge then whole scheme would fall flat. Sajjan chacha was deciding the contribution amount for each person, suddenly he saw Fekhna sitting silently at the corner of the choupal. Twenty five years old, five feet eight inch tall, fourty six kg weight, Asthma patient Fekhna was listening the discussion with rapt attention.

Raising the voice dramatically,Sajjan chacha  proclaimed:  “just now a thought came across in my head. Now we will not throw shoes on MP Sahib, instead we will throw Fekna over him. He will not be able to refuse this incident and we will have our road.”

Fekhna has only bones, harder than shoes, it may hurt our MP sahib and he may grant us road immediately” one said.

Fekhna is not well these days, after the incidents he  may get attention from MP Sahib , as a result  treatment money from the government side” another villager said.

“Fekhna is a gem for our village and we villager must feel proud of him”- thundered Sajjan chacha.

Fekhna could not listen more. He felt unconscious.

Arre he got epilepsy attack, go to sajawat singh’shouse and bring the boots. Cried somra.
Somebody rushed to Sajawat Singh’s house to bring shoes.

Ramanuj Dubey

15 January, 2012

Haiku XVII---


Reach up and heaven
Whenever I see her fresh
Gaily appearance 


Enthralling winter
How to celebrate the life
The poor wonder


Thousands years mullock
Need cleaning and cleansing in
Our dusty dwelling

Ramanuj Dubey 

05 January, 2012

NONSENSE TALK VI..............

The news of the dismal performance of Indian team in Australia reached to the chaupal of my village. Everybody looked upset, unhappy and disappointed with the way tour has been going on so far.

“Can anybody tell me how India is faring in Australia” septuagenarian Sajjan chacha asked this question before the gathering. But everyone present in the gathering was sure that this ‘anybody’ was addressed for sukhia sukhwardhan, who always kept a small radio in his pocket and never failed to listen to commentary. It was his unsaid responsibilities to convey the latest updates about the cricket match to the villagers. He was quite happy to get another opportunity to tell the highlights of the match.

“Two days already passed chachha , and Indian team has reached in danger zone. When team got all out at 191 runs yesterday, at that time I sensed the trouble, but never knew that Australia would make such a mammoth score, 482/4. Still six wickets are to play, it is almost certain that India would lose this match. One match they have already lost, second in pipeline, I do not understand what has happened to Indian team”- there was a genuine concerned in his tone.
“ Last year, when Indian team visited England, there also they lost all matches there from the Anrez”- Added Somra, felt happy to express his general knowledge about Indian cricket at the chaupal. “But India defeated England in all matches when team England toured here”- Sukhia sukhwardhan continued.

“That I do not understand why our team loses the match when they play at foreign land” – Khurpathia put this question before the chaupal assembly. Now everybody was trying to find the right reason of our cricketers’ abysmal performance at overseas.

Mangatram , who  was denied the subsidized grains from the public distributive system last month because of some unknown reasons wanted to know whether players were getting enough food in the foren country or not ?  When he was told that Indian team was not facing food shortage over there and they are fed amply, he was not sure. When Sukhia showed the recent  photos of Indian players appeared in today’s newspaper in that some of them were looking plump and rest of them were looking happy and contended ,then only he accepted it.

But Budhiya, a skill development beneficiary, who recently left the job and came to village from Delhi was very much concerned about players’ accommodation, playing time and pay perks. “How can our player perform well, when they are made to play early in the morning at 5 o’clock, who knows they may be kept in stadium without proper bed, bathroom facility, you know these things also matter in performance.”

Somra laughed at his enquiry and replied: “you are a real simpleton, they are big players, they have no dearth of money or connection, and anywhere they can have good accommodation, food, pay perks and all facilities. One thing more, Australia timing is different from Indian timing. When here is 5 am. , in Australia it is around 9 o’clock. So their playing timing is not bad”

“You are right bhaiya,” MGNREGS card holder chamka added, “they work more than hundred days playing cricket ,then they work on television selling toothpaste soap, detergent etc. , then they have other livelihoods for rest of the year, why they will be poor or in problem anywhere”

“When they are getting good food, good accommodation, good pay perk, good working condition, then also why they do not perform well. Are Angrez, Australians more talented than our players”  Sajjan chacha asked this question to “anybody Sukhia “.
“No kaka, it is not so, otherwise they would have defeated our player here also.”
“Then” sajjan chacha was perplexed.

There was a lull in the chaupal assembly for some time. First time Mukhiyaji entered into the discussion. With his heavy tone he continued “see we have (khet) fields in all the directions but are all fields same. No, all fields are not same. The field north to our village is good for paddy cultivation but not good for gram and the field west to our village is good for gram and paddy but not so good for sugar cane. Matlab ye, ( it means ) sometimes everything is ok, you are a good farmer, you have good seeds, you have good working bulls but if field is not suitable then how will you expect good yield”
Ok, so field is not suitable for our player – ohhhh—understood— almost everybody spoke in unison.

Somra wanted to differ with Mukhiyaji’s field theory, he wanted to ask why this field was barren for India and fertile for Australian but he knew once mukhiyaji told his final opinion, it was useless to question it.  He too followed chaupal tradition and admired mukhiyaji’s wit.

Finally my villagers were able to find the reasons of Indian players’ poor performance in Australia.

 As I was informed by my childhood friend  over the phone ]

Ramanuj Dubey