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07 February, 2019

Project Work III - Questionnaire


After few visits and interaction of officials of Apollo medskills office, MLM student prepared the questionnaire for the all-important stakeholders of the Apollo Medskills skill development training centre.  These stakeholders are-
·        Centre Head of the training centre.
·        Quality Manager of the training centre.
·        Trainer domain of the training centre.
·        Trainer non-domain of the training centre.
·        Trainees of the training centre.
·        Passed out trainees of the centre who are working in different organization.
·        Employers of the passed out trainees (Now employee) of the training centre.
The questionnaires are prepared with keeping the stakeholders and objective of the study in mind. The questionnaires of different stakeholders are given below-

Questionnaire for Centre Head

       I.            Qualification :-

    II.            Work experience :-

 III.            Experience of running training institute :-

IV.            How many courses the institution is offering at present?

   V.            How many batches are running at present?

VI.            What is the size and composition of the training group?

VII.            What is the selection process of the trainees for admission in the institution?

VIII.            What is the quality of the trainees group? How is their morale towards the training programme?

IX.            Do the trainees share any personal problems to you or any other staffs?  If yes, how do you tackle it?

   X.            Do you find any trainee difficult to handle? If yes, what do you do to change the behavior?

XI.            Do all trainees complete the course on time?

XII.            Number of trainees passed out from the institution

XIII.            Number of trainees drop out from the course. Reason of drop out

XIV.            Number of trainees working in different organization

XV.            Do you get any feedback of passed out trainees of your institution from employers?

XVI.            Do passed out trainees contact you /institution for any reason?

XVII.            What kind of support system institution provides to the passed out trainees?

XVIII.            How many staffs are working in the training centre? Do you think numbers of staffs are adequate?

XIX.            How do you supervise / monitor the staffs of the training institution?

Designation of the staffs 
Supervising /monitoring method

          Table 4.1 – Monitoring of staffs –part of questionnaire

XX.            How do you rate your staffs?

Designation of the staffs 

                   Table 4.2- Rating of training centre staff- part of questionnaire
XXI.            Do you face any problem / difficulties in running the training institution? How do you handle it?

XXII.            How many batches and courses this training institution can run in present infrastructure? How do you find your training institution – underutilized / comfortable running / over utilized?

XXIII.            Any suggestion / comment / remarks

Questionnaire for Quality Manager

       I.            Qualification :-

    II.            Work experience  :-

 III.            Have you undergone any training /workshop / course for monitoring the training programme/ Institute?

IV.            What is the method of monitoring? How frequently do you monitor the training institute?

   V.            Checklist for monitoring the training institute.

VI.            What is your feedback for the trainees, trainers, other staffs and centre head?

VII.            What kind of general problems /shortcomings do you observe in the training centre?

VIII.            Your observations and recommendations for the training institutions in last six months. (The gist of general monitoring report of last six months).

IX.            Any comments / suggestions.

Questionnaire for Trainer –Domain

       I.            Age :-

    II.            Qualification :-

 III.            Work experience :-

IV.            Training Experience :-

   V.            What is the level of knowledge of trainees about the health sector at the time of joining the training programme?

VI.            Are they aware of general health condition of their community / colony / village?

VII.            What was the standard of personal hygiene of trainees when they joined the course? Do you feel it improved during the training?

VIII.            What are the training aids and equipments do you use in imparting training?

IX.            In your observation, which training aid /equipment or combination of aids and equipments are more effective in trainees’ learning?

   X.            What is the participation level of trainees in classroom and practical activities?

XI.            What is the percentage of trainees doing practical work perfectly as per the trainer’s instruction?

XII.            How do you check the progress of the trainees?

XIII.            If you find a trainee is not doing well, what strategy do you follow to motivate the trainee?

XIV.            How is trainees comfort level with you? Do they share their training related /personal problem with you?

XV.            What is the motivational level of trainees? Are they confident to do well in OJT and job?

XVI.            Any suggestion / comment / remarks

Questionnaire for Trainer Non-domain

       I.            Age :-

    II.            Qualification :-

 III.            Work experience :-

IV.            What were the level of trainees in English, soft skills and computer when they joined the training programme?

   V.            What are the training aids and equipments do you use in imparting training?

VI.            What is the participation level of trainees in classroom and other training activities?

VII.            In your observation, which training aid /equipment or combination of aids and equipments are more effective in trainees’ learning?

VIII.            How do you check the progress of the trainees?

IX.            If you find a trainee is not doing well, what strategy do you follow to motivate the trainee?

   X.            How is trainees comfort level with you? Do they share their training related /personal problem with you?

XI.            Are you satisfied with the progress of trainees?

XII.            Do you think training duration for non-domain (English, soft skill, computer) is enough?

Questionnaire for Trainees of the Training Centre

       I.            Age  :-

    II.            Gender :-

 III.            Family Income :-

IV.            Qualification :-

   V.            What you were doing before joining this course?

VI.            If working before joining the course, nature of work and annual / seasonal / monthly earnings.

VII.            Why did you join this course?

VIII.            What are your expectations from this training?

IX.            Were you familiar with computer and tablet before joining this course?

   X.            Are you comfortable in using computer and tablet?

XI.            How do you find course / training materials?  Are you able to understand the language / description / procedure without any difficulty?

XII.            Do you need trainers’ supports in understanding the training material? If yes, up to what extent.

XIII.            Are the trainers easy to follow?

XIV.            Do you read your training material first then attend class or learn the topic in class first then read training material?

XV.             Is course material useful during the training?

XVI.            Are the trainers attentive to your needs? 

XVII.            Are you able to do practical activities (that have been taught or demonstrated) without any support or supervision?

XVIII.            How do you find your training schedule? Is it hectic / rigorous / bit rigorous / comfortable/ Very easy?

XIX.            Facilities at training centre :-

Remarks (Bad/Fair/ Good / Very good / Excellent) Rating on scale of 1-5.
Class Room

Teaching aids and training material

Practical Room

Hostel accommodation

Recreation Room


Electricity , Light


Mess, Food

Hygiene and sanitary arrangements 

First aid box and other safety measures

Table 4.3: Rating of Facilities by trainee – Part of questionnaire

XX.            How effective this training is for you? Do you find any change in you? (  Knowledge , skill , behavior , attitude, experience etc  )

Questionnaire for Passed out Trainees now employee in different organizations

       I.            Age  :-

    II.            Gender :-

 III.            Family Income :-

IV.            Marital Status :-

   V.            Qualification :-

VI.            When did you finish your training?

VII.            What you were doing before joining the training? If you were working, nature of work and annual income.

VIII.            When did you join the job?

IX.            What was your grade in OJT training certificate?

   X.            Name of the organization where you are working :-

XI.            Work experience ( in months ) :-

XII.            Present salary /Annual income and other benefits from the organization :-

XIII.            How is the working condition in the organization?

XIV.            How is your supervisor?  Supportive / encouraging / discouraging / Neutral etc

XV.            Do you accept any assignment given by your supervisors?

XVI.            How are your co-workers / other staffs? Do they support you or you help them in the time of need?

XVII.            Have you received any appreciation, praise, award or salary raise from the organization?

XVIII.            How do you rate your own work? Satisfactory / above average /excellent / unsatisfactory

XIX.            Are you able to support your family?

XX.            What kind of merit / demerit do you see working in health sector?

XXI.            What is your career plan in next 5-10 years?

XXII.            What kind of changes do you see in your life after the training?

XXIII.            Any interesting experience /suggestion , do you want to share :-

Appraisal ( scale 1-5 , like
[Excellent, very good, good, average , poor ]
How do you rate the training programme?

How good was the knowledge of the trainer?

Were the trainers attentive?

To what extent has, your understanding of subject improved or increased because of the programme?

To what extent have you developed your soft skills, through the course?

To what extant have you developed your computer skills through the course.

Was course material useful during the course?

Do you feel course material still useful during the job?

How effective were the practical activities?

Were the training instructions easy to follow?

How do you rate your training institution?

XXIV.            Feedback of training programme  :-

           Table 4.4 – Feedback of training programme by Passed out Trainee- part of questionnaire
Questionnaire for Employer of passed out trainees

       I.            Name of the organization :-

    II.            No of passed out trainees working :-

 III.            Average working period  ( In months ) :-

IV.            Average salary :-

   V.            Employee rating  :-

S No.

No. of Employee
Quality of work

Usually acceptable / satisfactory

Consistently satisfactory

Superior / Consistently superior

Quantity of work
Below average


Above average

Exceptionally high

Learn slowly, require repeated instruction

Detailed instruction required for change

Adjustment made with little trouble

Learn very quickly , changes met easily

Job Knowledge
Little desire to improve

Know job fairly well, require average supervision

Well informed on job , rarely needs help

Make most use of knowledge and experience

Require frequent check or watching

Generally require check up on work

Does task faithfully , need some follow up

Marked ability to follow any fair job

Cooperates if required to do so, disgruntled

Reacts to changes with some reluctant

Usually willing to cooperate with others

Exceptionally good team worker , cooperative

Table 4.5 –  Employers feedback for employees trained in Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad – Part of questionnaire.

 ~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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