Findings of the Study:-
student started study on project title
“ A study on effectiveness of Training and Development in skilling
Unskilled Youths – A special reference to Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad”- with
the consent / permission of CEO, Apollo Medskills in April 2018. During Study,
The MLM student interacted with CEO, Apollo
Medskills Headquarter staffs, Training centre staffs , Trainers,
Trainees , Quality Executive, Centre Head , Passed out Trainees of the training
centre and Employers of those who got
training in Apollo Medskills. During Study, Questionnaires of different
stakeholders were prepared and sent to them for their response. The centre
head, trainers, quality executive sent their questionnaire responses through
e-mail. For trainees of the training centre, MLM student explained the
questionnaire, circulated to them, and collected filled up questionnaire when
they completed it. The MLM student got the list of passed out trainees of
Apollo Medskills centre who are working in Hyderabad from Centre head. The MLM
student contacted them personally on their workplace or in training centre
(when they visited training centre to collect certificate or some other
reasons), explained the questionnaire, and collected the filled up
questionnaire from them. The questionnaires for employers sent to the employers
of employees who are trained by Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad. The placement
executive of Apollo Medskills coordinated with the employers and employers
filled up questionnaire received through him on the email-Id. Besides Centre
Head, Quality-executive, eight (8) trainers, ninety -eight (98) trainees, sixty
(60) Passed out trainees from Apollo Medskills and four employers (who gave the
feedback of hundred Apollo Medskills trained employees) responded to the
questionnaires. During study, the MLM student conducted many meeting,
coordinated with various stake holders, Circulated questionnaire, Explained
each point of questionnaire to respondents, Contacted to get clarifications on
any vague response of respondents, collected filled up questionnaire and
collected valuable primary and secondary of data and other information
pertaining to the study. The study started in April 2018 and all above
-mentioned activities related to study completed in October 2018. The collected
data was processed and analyzed. The Findings of the study is given below-
Out of 98 trainees who participated in study and responded the questionnaire, six (6.12%) trainees are tenth pass, forty-nine (50%) are intermediate, forty-two (42.86%) are graduate and one trainee (1.02%) is postgraduate. Out of ninety-eight respondents, five (5.10%) were doing part time job of teacher in private nursery, play school and primary school. Seventy (71.4%) respondents had just finished their study (Intermediate/ Graduation) and were looking for job opportunity. Thirteen (13.26%) respondents were preparing for competitive examination for government jobs from last two-three years. Ten (10.20%) respondents were searching for job in their local area, they were not preparing for any competitive examination. The age group of trainees is Eighteen to twenty nine.
The annual family incomes of all trainees are below Rs 100,000. The annual family income of fifty-one (52.04%) trainees is fifty thousand and below whereas rest forty-seven (47.96%) trainees’ family income is between above fifty thousand to one lakh.
Out of ninety-eight respondents, sixty-three (64.3%) joined the training programme to get a job. Thirty (32.7%) respondents joined the training programme to get a job in health sector. Three (3.06%) respondents joined the training programme to learn about heath issues. One (1.02%) respondent joined the training programme to settle in life and one (1.02%) respondent joined the course to serve the patient and poor people of society.
When the trainees joined the training programme that time sixty-five (66.33 %) trainees were not familiar with computer and tablets, whereas thirty-three (33.67 %) trainees were familiar with computer and tablets though they had just basic knowing of operating these gadgets. Now during the training, Eighty-five (86.8%) trainees are comfortable in using computer and tablets. The rest thirteen (13.2%) trainees, who are first time user of computer and tablet, are not comfortable in using computer and tablet.
Ninety-one (92.86%) trainees feel that training schedule is comfortable whereas three (3.06%) trainees feel that training feels a bit rigorous and four (4.08%) feel it rigorous/ hectic.
Thirty-two (32.66%) trainees feel that classroom is good, forty-three (43.88 %) feel classroom very good and twenty-three (23.46%) feel it excellent.
Fifty-nine (60.21%) trainees say that training aid and training material is good whereas twenty-six (26.53%) trainees and thirteen (13.26) trainees feel that training aid and training material is very good and excellent respectively.
Forty-four (44.90%) trainees feel that practical room is good. Thirty-five (35.71%) trainees find practical room very good and nineteen (19.39%) trainees find practical room excellent.
Sixty-one (62.24%) trainees find hostel accommodation good. Twenty-one (21.43%) find hostel very good and ten (10.20%) feel hostel accommodation excellent. Six (6.13%) say hostel accommodation is bad.
Sixty-two (63.27%) trainees rate recreation room good. Twenty-seven (27.55%) trainees rate recreation room very good whereas five (5.10%) trainees rate recreation room excellent. Four (4.08%) trainees find recreation room bad.
Seventy (71.43 %) trainees rate bathroom good. Seventeen (17.34%) trainees feel that bathroom very good whereas two (2.04%) feel bathroom excellent. Nine (9.19%) trainees rate bathroom bad.
Thirty-five (35.71%) trainees rate electrify/light /fan and electronics equipments good where as forty-nine (50%) and fourteen (14.29%) trainees rate electronic equipment facilities very good and excellent respectively.
Forty-three (43.88%) trainees rate water facility good whereas forty-four (44.90%) trainees and ten (10.20%) trainees rate water facility very good and excellent respectively.
Eight (8.17%) trainees find mess food bad and four (4.08%) trainees rate mess food satisfactory. Sixty-nine (70.40%) trainees rate mess food good, fourteen (14.29%) trainees rate it very good and three (3.06%) find the mess food excellent.
Sixty-six (67.35%) trainees rate hygiene and sanitary arrangements good. Twenty-one (21.43%) trainees rate hygiene and sanitary arrangement very good and ten (10.20%) rate this facility excellent. One (1.02%) feels that hygiene and sanitary arrangement of training centre is bad.
Twenty (20.40%) trainees feel first aid box and other safety measures of the training centre is excellent. Twenty-eight (28.58%) trainees rate this facility very good whereas forty-nine (50%) trainees rate it excellent. One (1.02%) trainee feels this facility bad.
Ninety-four (95.9 %) trainees first attend the class then they read the training material whereas four (4.01%) trainees read training material before attending the class. They again read the training material after attending the class.
Seventy (71.4%) trainees feel that they are able to do practical activities without any support or supervision whereas twenty-eight (28.6%) feel that they need support or supervision in carrying out practical activities perfectly.
Ninety-six (97.8%) trainees feel that trainers are easy to follow. Two (2.02%) find difficulty in understanding the trainer’s classroom and practical session.
Sixty employees who got training from Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad working in different organizations of Health Sector responded to the questionnaire .Eight (13.33%) respondents had one-year work experience. Forty-two (70%) respondents had the nine-month work experience. Four (6.66%) respondents had six months experience and four (6.66%) respondents had three months work experience. Two (3.33%) respondents had less than three months work experience.
Three (5%) Apollo Medskills trained employee rate their working condition in the organization excellent. Eight (13.34%) respondents and thirty-seven (61.66%) respondents rate their working condition very good and good respectively. Eight (13.34%) respondents feel their working condition in organization satisfactory whereas four (6.66%) respondents feel that working condition in their organization is poor/ unsatisfactory.
The salary and other benefits of all the respondents (Apollo Medskills trained employee s) who are working in different organizations are between eight thousands to fourteen thousands. Twenty-nine (48.33%) respondents’ salary is in the range of eight thousands to ten thousand rupees. Thirty-one (51.67%) respondents’ salary is in the range of above ten thousand to fourteen thousand rupees.
Seventeen (28.33%) Passed out trainees from Apollo Medskills /respondents feel that their supervisor is encouraging. Thirty-seven (61.67%) respondents find their supervisor supportive. Four (6.67%) respondents feel their supervisor is neutral and two (3.33%) respondents find their supervisor discouraging.
Sixty passed out trainees from Apollo Medskills and now working in different health organizations/Sector who responded the questionnaire, Out of sixty, twenty (33.33%) respondents rate their own work excellent. Seventeen (28.33%) respondents rate their work very good and twenty-one (35%) respondents rate their work good. Two (3.34%) respondents feel their own work in the organization unsatisfactory.
Thirty-eight (63.33 %) respondents (Who completed training, working in different organization and work experience from two months to one year) rate training programme excellent. Sixteen (26.66%) respondents rate training programme very good and six (10%) respondent’s rate training programme good.
Twenty-eight (46.66%) Pass out trainees feel that knowledge of trainers was excellent. Nineteen (31.66%) Pass out trainees find that knowledge of trainers was very good whereas eleven (18.33%) Pass out trainees feel knowledge of trainers was good. Two (3.33%) Pass out trainees feel that knowledge of trainers was fair.
Thirteen (21.67%) respondents /Pass out trainees say that the trainers were attentive all the time. Thirty-one (51.67%) respondents say that the trainers were attentive to them a lot. Fourteen (23.33%) respondents say that the trainers were somewhat attentive to them whereas two (3.33%) respondents feel that the trainers were little attentive.
Twenty-one (35%) Pass out trainees / respondents feel that their understanding of subject improved / increased very high / full extent / Maximum due to the programme. Nineteen (31.67%) respondents feel that their understanding of subjects increased / improved a lot /high. Eighteen (30%) respondents feel that their understanding of subject improved/ increased some extent whereas two (3.33%) respondents feel that their understanding of subject improved/ increased little.
Fifteen (25%) Pass out trainees /respondents feel that what soft skills taught to them they learnt completely / maximum / full/ very high. Twenty-eight (46.67%) respondents feel that they developed soft skills a lot/ high. Fourteen (23.33%) respondents feel that they developed soft skills up to some extent. Three (5%) respondents feel that they developed little soft skills through the course.
Sixteen (26.67%) respondents / Passed out trainees feel that what computer skills taught to them they learnt it completely / maximum/ full/ very high. Twenty-three (38.33%) respondents feel that they developed computer skills a lot/ high. Nineteen (31.67%) respondents feel that they learnt computer skills up to some extent. Two (3.33%) respondents feel that they learnt computer skills little.
Ten (16.67%) pass out trainees/ respondents rate that study material was very highly useful. Twenty (33.33%) respondents rate that course material highly useful. Twenty-four (40%) respondents feel that study material was useful for the course up to some extent. Six (10%) respondents feel that study material was little useful for the course.
Seven (11.67%) Pass out trainees /respondents feel that study material is still very highly useful during the job. Seventeen (28.34%) feel that study material is still highly useful. Twenty-three (38.33%) respondents feel that study material is useful up to some extent during the job. Eleven (18.33%) respondents feel that study material is little useful during the job whereas two (3.33%) respondents feel that study mater has very little use during the job.
Twelve (20%) Passed out trainees /respondents feel that practical activities were very highly effective in learning. Twenty-five (41.67%) respondents feel that practical activities were highly effective. Twenty one (35%) respondents feel that practical activities during training programme were moderately effective in learning whereas two (3.33%) respondents feel that practical activities were little effective in learning.
Twelve (20%) Passed out trainees /respondents rate very high (5/5) in training instructions easy to follow. Thirty-four (56.67%) respondents rate high (4/5) and fourteen (23.33%) rate moderate (3/5) in training instructions easy to follow.
Thirty-five (58.33%) Passed out trainees/ respondents, rate training institution /centre excellent. Nineteen respondents (31.67%) rate the training institution very good and six (10%) respondents rate training institution/ centre good.
Four organizations Canadian Global life and Educare Pvt. Ltd., Optival health solution private Ltd., Rainbow children’s Medicare Private Ltd and Life circle Health Service private Ltd participated in the study and on six parameter- Quality of work, Quantity of work, Adaptability, Job Knowledge, dependability and attitude they gave their feedback on their those employees who got training in Apollo Medskills and passed out from the training centre.
In quality of work, employers find three (3%) employees unsatisfactory, thirteen (13%) employees usually expected/ satisfactory, Fifty-eight (58%) employees consistently satisfactory and twenty-six (26%) employee superior / consistently superior.
In quantity of work parameter, employers find performance of six (6%) employees (Trained from Apollo Medskills) below average in the organization. Employers find Thirty-seven (37%) employees average, thirty-nine (39%) above average and eighteen (18%) exceptionally high in performance in terms of quantity of work.
Employers observed that ten (10%) employees learn slowly, required repeated instruction , twenty-six (26%) require detailed instruction for any change , thirty-four (34%) employees make adjustment with little trouble and thirty (30%) employees learn quickly and any changes met easily .
Employers observed that fourteen (14%) employee have little desire to improve , thirty-four (34%) employees know job very well and require average supervision , twenty-eight (28%) employees are well informed on job, rarely need help and twenty-four (24%) make most use of knowledge and experience
In dependability parameter, Employers observed that twenty-five (25%) employees require frequent checking or watching, thirty-three (33%) employees generally require check up on job, twenty-eight (28%) employees do task faithfully , need some follow up and fourteen (14%) employees have marked ability to follow any fair job.
In attitude parameter, Employers observed that nineteen (19%) employees cooperate if required to do , feel disgruntled , thirty-three (33%) employees react to change with some reluctant , thirty (30%) employees usually willing to cooperate with others and eighteen (18%) employees are exceptionally good team workers , cooperative.
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