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07 February, 2019

Project work XIII- Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad- Training Practices

Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad- Training Practices

The training practices of Apollo Medskills Training Centre; Hyderabad has been prepared on the basis of interaction with Apollo Medskills officials, observation, questionnaires response, case study, working culture of training centre etc. The Apollo Medskills Training Centre, Hyderabad follows these training Practices: -

 If Apollo Medskills Training Centre Hyderabad implements the skill development programmes of Government, or any other partner, in that case the training centre follow the rules, regulation and standard of procedure of the programme.

Apollo Medskills Training Centre gives special attention to hygiene (personal and place) and cleanliness of the environment. In study, it was found that trainees’ personal hygiene and grooming increased after joining the training programme and they become more conscious of cleanliness of their surroundings.

Apollo Medskills gives equal importance to domain (trade related training) and non-domain (English, computer & Soft skills).

The trainees of short-term skill development training courses are generally from the socially and economically backward class. Most of them are from rural area with little or no employable skills. Trainers and other staffs of the training centre try to keep trainees motivated throughout training.

Apollo Medskills Training Centre, Hyderabad conducts cultural activities, co-curriculum time to time. Trainees take active participation in these activities. Such activities help trainees to show their creativity, improve their personality and confidence.

Apollo Medskills Training Centre, Hyderabad keeps all required equipments for practical purpose available in the practical room. Trainers ensure that all equipments are in working condition. If any equipment is not in working condition in that case repair/replacement is done at the earliest.

Apollo Medskills Training centre, Hyderabad expects trainees to be disciplined with positive attitude towards training programme. There are some general rules related to discipline and training programme for trainees that they have to follow during training period.

Apollo Medskills Training centre, Hyderabad encourages comfortable and good relationship between trainees and trainers. It has been observed that trainees are comfortable with trainers and they have respects for their trainers.

Trainers of Apollo Medskills Training centre use many training aids and equipment like white board, projector, picture, chart, maps, flash card, slides, videos etc to make training and learning easy for trainees.

Apollo Medskills Training centre, Hyderabad trainers double up as mentor, guide, counselor and motivator.

Apollo Medskills Training Centre, Hyderabad ensure that all facilities offered by the training centre are in working condition and available to trainees.

~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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