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07 February, 2019

Project Work VI- Responses of questionnaire from Trainer- Domain

Responses of questionnaire from Trainer- Domain

       I.            Age: -

 Five trainers of domain subjects responded the questionnaire, out of five, four are female and one is male. The all trainers are in age group of twenty-three to thirty-one (23-31) years. The younger among the trainers is twenty-three (23) years old and elder is Thirty-one (31) years old. Rest three trainers’ age is twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26) and twenty-nine (29) years respectively.

    II.            Educational qualification:-

Out of five respondents, three respondents have done ‘Bachelor of Science - nursing’ (B. Sc.nursing). One respondent is ‘Bachelor of pharmacy’ (B.Pharma) and one respondent has master degree in pharmacy (M. Pharma).

 III.            Work experience:-

The work experience of the respondents (Trainer-domain) in health sector is between one and half years to nine years. The fresher trainer has one and half-year experience whereas most experienced trainer among them has nine years experience of health sector. The rest trainers have four years, four and half years and six years respectively.

IV.            Training experience:-

The work experience of the respondents (Trainer-domain) in training is from one year to seven years. The fresher trainer has one-year experience of training whereas most experienced trainer among them has seven years of training. Rest three trainers have one and half years, two and half years and three years of teaching experience respectively.
   V.            What is the level of knowledge of trainees about the health sector at the time of joining the training programme?

All the five trainers- domain observed that the knowledge of trainees about the health sector at the time of joining was very less. They were not aware of the basics of the health sector. Trainers feel that as most of the trainees are from the non-science background so they have least exposure of health sector and subject. Trainers observed that though trainees have least knowledge of health sector but they are keen learner and learning about trade related topics quickly.

VI.            Are trainees aware of general health condition of their community / colony / village?

All the trainers responded that trainees have minimum knowledge of general health condition of their community/colony/village but they do not have in depth knowledge of the diseases and their causes and prevention.

VII.            What was the standard of personal hygiene of trainees when they joined the course? Do you feel it improved during the training?

All the respondents observed that the personal hygiene of trainees was ranging from very low, poor to satisfactory. Though the level of personal hygiene of trainees were low when they joined, after educating them during the training period they understand the importance of hygiene and practice good hygiene habits.

VIII.            What are the training aids and equipments do you use in imparting training?

All the respondents ( Trainer-domain ) use these aids and equipments in the classroom in imparting the training :-
White board and projector , Power point presentation, Demonstration and re-demonstration  of procedure , charts, Mannequins ,examples of   actual objects, models, pictures, charts, maps, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board, chalkboard, overhead projector, slides , you tube videos of related topics, medical lab equipments procedure video etc.

In laboratory , the trainers train the trainees with the help of
fully fledged pharmaceutical set up and other medical equipments.  Equipment used in the practical session:
Sphygmomanometer ,Stethoscope ,AED Trainer with Adult Pad ,Weighing Machine ,Oxygen Cylinder ,Cervical Collar    ,Splint ,Wheel Bed with side rails , Bedside Locker, Cardiac Table       ,Bed Sheet ,Pillow          , Pillow Cover ,Blanket ,Screen ,Wheel Chair ,Walker, Crutch ,Stretcher, Cane ,Mask , IV Stand, Back Rest, Foot Rest, Steel basin (Medium), Bed pan ,Male urinal , Artery Forceps , Dissecting Forceps, Air Cushion, Steel Bowl , Kidney Tray – steel , Measuring jar, Ounce glass , Measuring Tape ,Goggles, Gown , Gloves (disposable) box, Surgical Gloves boxes, Disposable plastic Gloves packet ,Shoe cover packet, Mask packet ,Antistatic Mask, Hair caps packet, Spatula , Mackintosh, Alco Swabs box, Wet Wipes – packet,Uro bag ,Foleys Catheter, Suction Catheter, Suction Apparatus         , Glass thermometer , Hot water bag, Ice cap, Different Color  Dustbins -Red, Blue, Black, Yellow ,Purified Talk, Sample Collection Bottle packet, Gauze roles packet, Betadine Solution Bottle, Cotton Rolls, Normal Saline Bottle, Microspore, ,Hydrogen Peroxide Bottle, Cleaning solution(Colin), Benedict's solution Bottle ,Spirit, Tourniquet      ,Sterile Bin small ,Plastic trays          ,Vaccutainer         ,Disposable syringes of different sizes 1cc/ml, 2cc/ml, 3cc/ml, 5cc/ml,50cc/ml,Syringe Sterilizer ,Needle burner ,Nebulizer kit (adult) ,O2 Mask ,Height measuring scale ,Sputum mug ,White Board  ,Projector ,Speakers ,Little Anne ,Portable Stretcher etc.

The trainers explain the trainees about the function, uses of each equipment in the laboratory and demonstrate the correct uses of these equipments in medical procedure.

IX.            In your observation, which training aid /equipment or combination of aids and equipments are more effective in trainees’ learning?

All trainers use white board and marker to explain the topics in the class but they feel that Power point presentation, and procedure videos are most effective in trainees’ learning in classroom. According to trainers,   demonstration through Audio Visual aids in classroom, practical demonstration and then trainees practice in the lab through practical sessions combined with role-plays is the most effective way in trainees’ learning.

   X.            What is the participation level of trainees in classroom and practical activities?

All the respondents feel that during the initial days of training sessions the participation levels of trainees were low but after becoming familiar with the environment and continuous motivational sessions the participation levels of the trainees increase drastically.

XI.            What is the percentage of trainees doing practical work perfectly as per the trainer’s instruction?

All the respondents have different observations on this question. All the responses are given below-

90%of trainees have 100% of knowledge on practical work, and 10% of students have 80% of knowledge.

70% of the trainees work perfectly as per the trainer’s instruction.

75% of trainees doing practical work perfectly as per the trainer’s instruction.

30 % - 80 % trainees are able to do practical work perfectly as per the trainer’s instruction. It depends upon trainees’ knowledge levels and their familiarity with the topic.

90 to 100% trainees are able to do practical work well.

XII.            How do you check the progress of the trainees?

The all respondents conduct regular assessment according to schedule.
Three respondents do regular assessments, everyday question answer session, quiz tests. Two respondents, besides scheduled assessment, conduct surprise tests, quiz tests and problem solving activities to check the progress of the trainees.

XIII.            If you find a trainee is not doing well, what strategy do you follow to motivate the trainee?

According to the respondents when they find that any trainee is not doing well, they would like to know the reasons why s/he is not doing well. After finding out the reasons, trainers regularly interact with that trainee. Through interaction, trainers motivate and counsel the trainee. If trainers find that a trainee is not doing well due to non-seriousness towards the training programme or some other activities not related to training, in that case they take mild disciplinary action.

XIV.            How is trainees comfort level with you? Do they share their training related /personal problem with you?

All respondents feel that trainees are very comfortable with them. Trainees without any hesitation ask questions or doubts in classroom.  Trainees share their training related problems and hostel issues (if any) to the trainers. Two trainers wrote in the questionnaire that comfort level with trainees is very high as they share their personal and professional problems with them and sometimes they ask advice /guidance on some issues.

XV.            What is the motivational level of trainees? Are they confident to do well in job?

All the respondents feel that the motivational level of trainees is very high. They are confident to do well in the job.

~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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