Skill Development is essential step to make unskilled unemployed youth employable. Formal education gives more emphasis on theoretical aspect of knowledge, which does not help youth much in getting job in private sector / industry. Private sector / Industry give more importance on skilled-based practical knowledge when they recruit work force. During study, it has been observed that ninety-eight trainees respondents who were undergoing trainees their educational qualification was from tenth pass to post graduates. Seventy (71.4%) trainees had just finished their study (Intermediate/ Graduation) and were looking for job opportunity. Thirteen (13.26%) trainees were preparing for competitive examination for government jobs from last two-three years. Ten (10.20%) trainees were searching for job in their local area. All the respondents had formal education with no or little employable skills. They joined Apollo Medskills to learn skills that can help them to get a job. After joining the training programme, they were able to observe change in themselves. Fifty-nine (60.20%) trainees admitted that they were shy, had stage fear , fear of group communication, communicating with stranger , low confidence level but soft skills and English classes helped to come over these issues and now they are more confident, fearless and motivated. Seventy (71.4%) trainees feel that they are able to do trade related practical activities without any support or supervision. Trainers also observed that when trainees joined the course they were shy, less interactive and less confident , careless on hygiene and personal grooming but constant motivation and teaching/training help them to inculcate habits that is required to be employable in industry and they participation level also increased. When trainees joined the training programme that time, 33.67% trainees were familiar with computer and tablets, they had just basic knowledge of operating these gadgets. During training, 86.8% trainees conveyed that they are comfortable in using computer and tablet. Majority of trainees (92.86%) find training schedule comfortable and all trainees are confident of doing well on after completion of training.
Sixty passed out trainees of Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad who are working in Hyderabad, participated in the study. Their work experience in the health sector is from two months to one year. All of them have joined any job for first time. On training programme, Thirty-eight (63.33 %) respondents rate training programme excellent. Sixteen (26.66%) respondents rate training programme very good and six (10%) respondent’s rate training programme good. Majority of them (90% and above) have given average to excellent rating in feedback on learning, trainers knowledge, delivery and attentiveness, and study material. Thirty-five (58.33%) Passed out trainees/ respondents rate training institution /centre excellent, nineteen respondents (31.67%) rate the training institution very good and six (10%) respondents rate training institution/ centre good. Expect two (3.34%) respondents, who feel that their own work in the organization unsatisfactory, rest all rate their own work from good to excellent. Twenty (33.33%) respondents rate their own work excellent. Seventeen (28.33%) respondents rate their work very good and twenty-one (35%) respondents rate their work good. All passed out trainees support the family financially. Twenty-four (40 %) passed out trainees send forty-five to fifty percent (40-50%) of their salary to family every month. Every passed out trainees has career plan of 5-10 years in the mind.
Trainers are attentive to the trainees in the Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad. It has been found that trainees are comfortable with trainers and they ask, discuss training related subjects, practical doubts etc without hesitation. Trainees in questionnaire response say that all trainers are attentive and try to help them when they need trainers help. Trainers adopt easy and innovative training method and effective training aids and equipments for maximum learning benefits of trainees.
Centre Head of the Apollo Medskills skill Development training centre, Hyderabad is responsible for overall functioning and performance of the training centre. Centre head has monitoring mechanism for all staffs of training centre. Quality team, who report to state head, is a dedicated section for quality implementation of training programme. Quality team/executive monitors and gives feedback to centre head for corrective measures.
Apollo Medskills, Skill Development centre, Hyderabad in last two years enrolled 876 trainees. Out of 876 trainees, 91 (10.38%) trainees dropped out of the course. The rest 785(89.62%) trainees completed the course. six hundred thirty (630) trainees (71.91 % of total enrolled trainees and 80.25% of those who completed training from Training centre) who passed out from the institution are working in different organizations of health sector.
Four organizations participated in the study. These organizations are - Canadian Global life and Educare Pvt. Ltd., Optival health solution private Ltd., Rainbow children’s Medicare Private Ltd and Life circle Health Service. These four organizations gave feedback to their employees who got training from Apollo Medskills on six parameters. Total hundred employees were given feedback on six parameters by above-mentioned four employers.
In quality of work, employers find three (3%) employees unsatisfactory. In rest ninety-seven (97%) - thirteen (13%) employees performance is usually expected/ satisfactory, Fifty-eight (58%) employees are consistently satisfactory and twenty-six (26%) employees are superior / consistently superior. In quantity of work, employers find performance of six (6%) employees below average in the organization. Employers find Thirty-seven (37%) employees average, thirty-nine (39%) above average and eighteen (18%) exceptionally high in performance in terms of quantity of work parameter. On adaptability parameter employers observed that ten (10%) employees learn slowly, required repeated instruction , twenty-six (26%) require detailed instruction for any change , thirty-four (34%) employees make adjustment with little trouble and thirty (30%) employees learn quickly and any changes met easily. On job Knowledge parameter, employers observed that fourteen (14%) employee have little desire to improve , thirty-four (34%) employees know job very well and require average supervision , twenty-eight (28%) employees are well informed on job, rarely need help and twenty-four (24%) make most use of knowledge and experience . In dependability parameter, Employers observed that twenty-five (25%) employees require frequent checking or watching, thirty-three (33%) employees generally require check up on job, twenty-eight (28%) employees do task faithfully , need some follow up and fourteen (14%) employees have marked ability to follow any fair job. In attitude parameter, Employers observed that nineteen (19%) employees cooperate if required to do , feel disgruntled , thirty-three (33%) employees react to change with some reluctant , thirty (30%) employees usually willing to cooperate with others and eighteen (18%) employees are exceptionally good team workers , cooperative.
It is essential to have a skill based learning of any trade if unskilled youth who have formal education and no technical knowledge would like to join job market for first time. Skilled-based short-term training programme is an opportunity to those youth who are from economically disadvantage background. The skill development training cycle starts from identification for right candidates for training. The successful of training programme and training centre depend upon all stakeholders associated with it. Responsible and responsive Management, dedicated trainers, disciplined and learning focused trainees, conducive learning environment, facilities of training centre, good trainer-trainee relations, and standard evaluation system ensure maximum learning of trainees. Performance of trained workforce in work place and Employers feedback is real check how training helped trainees to carry out the job in actual work environment.
Skill Development is essential step to make unskilled unemployed youth employable. Formal education gives more emphasis on theoretical aspect of knowledge, which does not help youth much in getting job in private sector / industry. Private sector / Industry give more importance on skilled-based practical knowledge when they recruit work force. During study, it has been observed that ninety-eight trainees respondents who were undergoing trainees their educational qualification was from tenth pass to post graduates. Seventy (71.4%) trainees had just finished their study (Intermediate/ Graduation) and were looking for job opportunity. Thirteen (13.26%) trainees were preparing for competitive examination for government jobs from last two-three years. Ten (10.20%) trainees were searching for job in their local area. All the respondents had formal education with no or little employable skills. They joined Apollo Medskills to learn skills that can help them to get a job. After joining the training programme, they were able to observe change in themselves. Fifty-nine (60.20%) trainees admitted that they were shy, had stage fear , fear of group communication, communicating with stranger , low confidence level but soft skills and English classes helped to come over these issues and now they are more confident, fearless and motivated. Seventy (71.4%) trainees feel that they are able to do trade related practical activities without any support or supervision. Trainers also observed that when trainees joined the course they were shy, less interactive and less confident , careless on hygiene and personal grooming but constant motivation and teaching/training help them to inculcate habits that is required to be employable in industry and they participation level also increased. When trainees joined the training programme that time, 33.67% trainees were familiar with computer and tablets, they had just basic knowledge of operating these gadgets. During training, 86.8% trainees conveyed that they are comfortable in using computer and tablet. Majority of trainees (92.86%) find training schedule comfortable and all trainees are confident of doing well on after completion of training.
Sixty passed out trainees of Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad who are working in Hyderabad, participated in the study. Their work experience in the health sector is from two months to one year. All of them have joined any job for first time. On training programme, Thirty-eight (63.33 %) respondents rate training programme excellent. Sixteen (26.66%) respondents rate training programme very good and six (10%) respondent’s rate training programme good. Majority of them (90% and above) have given average to excellent rating in feedback on learning, trainers knowledge, delivery and attentiveness, and study material. Thirty-five (58.33%) Passed out trainees/ respondents rate training institution /centre excellent, nineteen respondents (31.67%) rate the training institution very good and six (10%) respondents rate training institution/ centre good. Expect two (3.34%) respondents, who feel that their own work in the organization unsatisfactory, rest all rate their own work from good to excellent. Twenty (33.33%) respondents rate their own work excellent. Seventeen (28.33%) respondents rate their work very good and twenty-one (35%) respondents rate their work good. All passed out trainees support the family financially. Twenty-four (40 %) passed out trainees send forty-five to fifty percent (40-50%) of their salary to family every month. Every passed out trainees has career plan of 5-10 years in the mind.
Trainers are attentive to the trainees in the Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad. It has been found that trainees are comfortable with trainers and they ask, discuss training related subjects, practical doubts etc without hesitation. Trainees in questionnaire response say that all trainers are attentive and try to help them when they need trainers help. Trainers adopt easy and innovative training method and effective training aids and equipments for maximum learning benefits of trainees.
Centre Head of the Apollo Medskills skill Development training centre, Hyderabad is responsible for overall functioning and performance of the training centre. Centre head has monitoring mechanism for all staffs of training centre. Quality team, who report to state head, is a dedicated section for quality implementation of training programme. Quality team/executive monitors and gives feedback to centre head for corrective measures.
Apollo Medskills, Skill Development centre, Hyderabad in last two years enrolled 876 trainees. Out of 876 trainees, 91 (10.38%) trainees dropped out of the course. The rest 785(89.62%) trainees completed the course. six hundred thirty (630) trainees (71.91 % of total enrolled trainees and 80.25% of those who completed training from Training centre) who passed out from the institution are working in different organizations of health sector.
Four organizations participated in the study. These organizations are - Canadian Global life and Educare Pvt. Ltd., Optival health solution private Ltd., Rainbow children’s Medicare Private Ltd and Life circle Health Service. These four organizations gave feedback to their employees who got training from Apollo Medskills on six parameters. Total hundred employees were given feedback on six parameters by above-mentioned four employers.
In quality of work, employers find three (3%) employees unsatisfactory. In rest ninety-seven (97%) - thirteen (13%) employees performance is usually expected/ satisfactory, Fifty-eight (58%) employees are consistently satisfactory and twenty-six (26%) employees are superior / consistently superior. In quantity of work, employers find performance of six (6%) employees below average in the organization. Employers find Thirty-seven (37%) employees average, thirty-nine (39%) above average and eighteen (18%) exceptionally high in performance in terms of quantity of work parameter. On adaptability parameter employers observed that ten (10%) employees learn slowly, required repeated instruction , twenty-six (26%) require detailed instruction for any change , thirty-four (34%) employees make adjustment with little trouble and thirty (30%) employees learn quickly and any changes met easily. On job Knowledge parameter, employers observed that fourteen (14%) employee have little desire to improve , thirty-four (34%) employees know job very well and require average supervision , twenty-eight (28%) employees are well informed on job, rarely need help and twenty-four (24%) make most use of knowledge and experience . In dependability parameter, Employers observed that twenty-five (25%) employees require frequent checking or watching, thirty-three (33%) employees generally require check up on job, twenty-eight (28%) employees do task faithfully , need some follow up and fourteen (14%) employees have marked ability to follow any fair job. In attitude parameter, Employers observed that nineteen (19%) employees cooperate if required to do , feel disgruntled , thirty-three (33%) employees react to change with some reluctant , thirty (30%) employees usually willing to cooperate with others and eighteen (18%) employees are exceptionally good team workers , cooperative.
It is essential to have a skill based learning of any trade if unskilled youth who have formal education and no technical knowledge would like to join job market for first time. Skilled-based short-term training programme is an opportunity to those youth who are from economically disadvantage background. The skill development training cycle starts from identification for right candidates for training. The successful of training programme and training centre depend upon all stakeholders associated with it. Responsible and responsive Management, dedicated trainers, disciplined and learning focused trainees, conducive learning environment, facilities of training centre, good trainer-trainee relations, and standard evaluation system ensure maximum learning of trainees. Performance of trained workforce in work place and Employers feedback is real check how training helped trainees to carry out the job in actual work environment.
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