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07 February, 2019

Project Work II- Background of the Study

 Project Title 

  “ A study on effectiveness of Training and Development in skilling Unskilled Youths – A special reference to Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad”

The objective of the study  :-

The present study has following key objectives:-

 To understand the importance of training and development in skilling unskilled youth.

 To study the role and responsibilities of all importance stakeholders of training Institution.

 To understand the attitudes of the trainees and trainers towards the training programme.

 To study and analyze  the training practices of the Training Institution/ Centre, Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad.

 To study and analyze the effectiveness and impact of training programme imparted by training institution / Centre, Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad.

Scope of the study 

The study is conducted with reference to Apollo Medskills skill, Hyderabad. The scope of the study is restricted to the trainees and other stakeholders of the Moosarambagh, Hyderabad centre of Apollo Medskills.


 Rational for the selection of study 

Skill development is essential for bringing the unemployed unskilled youth into formal sector and job market. Government of India through ministries and its programmes and different stakeholders like private sector, industries, educational institutions etc are taking various initiatives to skill and link youths to job market.  

Very few / little studies have been conducted on skill development for those who are unskilled and unemployed, avail training to get skilled and become employee in formal sector first time in their life. The MLM student was keen to do project study on effectiveness of training and development of skilling unskilled youth. The MLM student who is also part time Rural Development Professional approached his alma mater National Institution of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) and Apollo Medskills Hyderabad for conducting study on effectiveness of Training and Development in skilling Unskilled Youths. Apollo Medskills is implementing Skill development related programmes of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The head quarter and skill development training centers of Apollo Medskills are situated in Hyderabad. The majority of trainees who passed out from the Apollo Medskills skill development Hyderabad centre are working in different organizations of health sector of Hyderabad. The MLM found it convenient to coordinate with all stakeholders of the study in Hyderabad.  The permission for conducting study for Academic purpose was given by Apollo Medskills In April 2018. The MLM student interacted with all important stakeholders of the study – The chief Executive officer, Headquarter staffs, and skill development training centers’ staffs of Medskills, Hyderabad. For Data collection  and other information, questionnaires were circulated to centre head, quality team, Trainers ,trainees, passed out trainees now employees in different organizations of the training centre.  Questionnaire was also sent to the employers of the passed out trainees (now employees). A good amount of time consumed in meeting with officials, getting permission to access passed out trainees now working and employers for study, collection of data and coordinating with all stakeholders of the study. The exercise of collection of data and other information started in April 2018 and ended in October 2018. 

The following methods / tools and techniques were used for the collection of primary and secondary data for the study . 

Rapport Establishment 

Rapport establishment is essential part of Labour management field study. Authentic and reliable data cannot be gathered from the field without proper rapport with the stakeholders.  To understand the training institutions, trainees who were unskilled, trainers of the trainees and other stakeholders the MLM student visited training institutions and other offices many times and spent considerable  time to gather data and useful information pertaining to this study.


The MLM student spent considerable time with staffs of training institutions and got an opportunity to observe the work ethics and culture and training practices of the training institution. The student spent some times before CCTV of the classroom of training institution to understand classroom dynamics, trainers, and trainees participation level in the classroom. 


After few visits of training institution and after few interactions with trainees, trainers and other staffs, MLM student developed questionnaires for different stakeholders. The questionnaires were developed keeping the study and stakeholders in mind. 

Case study 
 During collection of data, the MLM student also collected few case studies from the passed out trainees of the training institution working in the organization. 

Field Notes and Field Diary 

During data collection from the field, MLM student regularly maintained field notes and filed diary. The daily maintained document helped the MLM student to understand the attitude of different stakeholders towards the training programme and other aspects of the study.

Data from secondary sources  Secondary data is the data that is previously gathered on the related topic and available for the student. Secondary sources include published literature, published data, published reports, Maps, website information and information available on internet. These sources are used frequently and extensively in  some portion of the report for the better understanding of the study. 

  Statistical tools 

The collected data are processed on computer and statistical tools used in study. The statistical tools used in this study are percentage analysis and Graphical representation of data.

Organization of the Report 

This study report is organized into five chapters. This chapterization is made keeping in mind the objectives of the study.

First chapter ‘Background to the study’ explains about the objective of the study and the methodology involved in it.

Second chapter ‘Review of literature discusses about training, aims and objectives, different types of training and training related other topics. This chapter also discusses and gives detail information about development, basic principles of training and development , skill development , skill development training – Indian scenario and health care skilling .

Third chapter ‘ Apollo Medskills ,Hyderabad gives detail information about the profile of the organization –Apollo Medskills. Then this chapter discusses about the skill development training centre, Moosarambagh, Hyderabad ,role and responsibilities of the different designations of the centre, training related activities, work culture, infrastructure and all important topics related to it. 

Fourth chapter ‘Analysis and Interpretations of Data’ tells about the questionnaire for different stakeholders from trainer to centre head of the training institution and the employers of the trainees. On the responses of the questionnaire from the different stakeholders, interpretations are done. This chapter contains the details interpretations of data collected during study and graphical representation of the analyzed data of the study.`

Fifth chapter ‘Conclusion’ discusses about the findings of this study and further suggestions for more effective training and development practices for the unskilled youths.

The appendix includes sample scanned copy of filled up questionnaires, photo section and bibliography. 

~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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