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07 February, 2019

Project Work XIV- Few Suggestions

Few Suggestions 

In the response of questionnaire, Quality –executive has pointed out few issues that need to be addressed. In shortcoming of training centre the quality-executive mentioned the Mobilization problems, Placement drop out, No proper maintenance of placement tracking of trainees , and on Job training is not being provided to the trainees. The Quality team in feedback observed that trainees are found absent in training, Trainers do not maintain attendance registers at moosarambagh, Hyderabad training centre and there is no proper monitoring of training centre and hostel. Centre Head in his response to questionnaire told that Up to June 2018, the number of enrolled trainees In Apollo Medskills Skill development centre was 876. Out of 876 trainees, 91 (10.38%) trainees dropped out of the course. The rest 785(89.62%) trainees completed the course. According to Centre head, six hundred thirty (630) trainees who passed out from the institution are working in different organizations of health sector.  Ninety-one (91) trainees dropped out of the course for various reasons. The reasons of trainees drop out are- High expectation in Placements (Salary wise / work place choice etc.), health reasons ,unable to Adopt in new environment ,Some marriage issues, Selection in Government  Jobs / Ambition to Join Government Job not Private sector Job ,Family problems  etc.
Mobilization is important step through which candidates for training is selected. Quality of candidates selected has a significant impact on retention in training and job. Generally, Mobilization is done with the help of government organizations, community organizations and gram panchayats. Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad should select candidates who not only fulfill eligibility and aptitude criteria but also willing to complete training and work after completion of training. Counselor should at this point should inform prospective trainees on the nature of work in the sector and trade, availability of jobs, deliverables by the employer, entitlements, growth prospects and risk involved. Apollo Medskills, Hyderabad should have proper mobilization and counseling strategy in selection and identification of right candidates for training.

Though MLM student had no access to biometric attendance or attendance register to check the absentees among trainees but during interaction with trainees and other staffs of training centre, it was found that some trainees do not attend the class. The absentees generally leave the course or if they complete the course, they perform poorly in practical and other training activities. Centre Head should acknowledge this issue and work for it from the start of the training programme. Those who look uninterested or do not perform well in first week, centre should identify those training and trainers and other staffs should work on them so that every trainee do well in training and job.

It has been observed that the training Institution /Centre do no proper maintenance of placement tracking of trainees. Placement tracking and updated data of it is essential to know the retention rate of the passed out trainees in the job market.  Training Institution / centre should maintain the proper placement tracking of trainees.

It has been observed that in three months certificate skill development training programme, the training centre does not provide ‘On the job training’. Instead, the training centre conducts intensive practical activities for trainees. Though intensive practical activities help trainees in learn skills and in study it has been found that 71.4% trainees are able to do practical activities without any support or supervision, but ‘on the job training” is most essential part of training in learning skills, confidence and work environment .
It has been found in the study that main reason of youth joining skill development training programme to get employable skills and get a job. Learnt skills can be useful only when trainees get a Placement / job. It has been observed that maximum placement of passed out trainees is either Hyderabad or around the city. Placement team should endeavor to collaborate with health sector employers of tier II and tier III towns of state so that  the training centre achieve 100 % placement in  every trades of all batches .

Other issues like maintaining of attendance register and proper documentation of tablet registers and assessment of trainees should be done and centre Head should monitor the details regularly

~~~ Ramanuj Dubey

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